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Thursday, February 17, 2011

False Advertsing Drives Me Crazy!

I was getting mad in my own mind the other day, over misleading advertising, and thought I'd share it with you guys.....

I get it.. marketing and advertising.... it's to sell product. I get it. But the amount of people who buy an anti-aging cream because the magazine article, and commerical says it's more moisturizing than the $200 cream. Or $300. So everyone runs out to buy this Olay product, expecting better results than Elizabeth Arden Prevage, and aren't seeing them. Why? Because it is only claiming to be a better MOISTURIZER! Nothing stated about how it fights wrinkles, discoloration, firming... etc.

And the new CoverGirl line endorsed by Taylor Swift. It appears to be all-natural. No, they don't say that, but it sure makes you think it is. They have added cucumber in place of something else. That's it.

That being said, I'm not saying these are bad products, I haven't tried them. Just be aware.

Oh, I'm doing another draw soon.. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog Candy Winner!!!

.....Drum roll please.......

Brandi Faye is the proud new owner of the Revlon Aqua Mineral Powder!

That was fun.. I love giving away free stuff. LOTS more to give away.

Thank you for the comments.... nice to hear!

I also plan on proof-reading my posts... Geoff said I can't leave typos in there.... I say sure I can. It's my blog. But don't want you to think I'm not intelligent... just type fast ;)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog Candy!!! And Oily Skin!

Very quick post today...

Anyone who has oily skin, all over, or even jsut the t-zone (forehead, nose, chin) will love NeoStrata's Oil-Free Mattifying Fluid.

They launched this product before, ant it was gross. Sticky, and greasy. This new and improved, to put it mildly, is fantastic! I am showing oil within an hour of make-up application. With this, I can get a good four hours with out any shine, and even once I get a lil sheen going on, it's NOTHING like it used to be.

And I thought I was doomed for eternity with a greasy face. Hey, but us oily girls, we won't age near as fast as the normal-dry skin types. :)

AND.... BLOG CANDY! ***************************************************************

All you have to do is comment on this post. How much you love me, how smart I am, a question, something you are wondering about product-wise, or just a smily face will get ya in. Any comment made in the next 24 hours, I'll put your name in for a draw for the Revlon Aqua Mineral Powder.. you know that "cool stuff" I mentioned earlier? If you are an anonymous follower, I need your name at the bottom of the comment. Open til 8pm Monday night! Bridgewater time. :)